collaboration by Bohemian Art, Dianne Rigdon, HGD by Laurie Ann from ScrapArtist and ad77design, Design by Snoopy, Jk2x, Palvinka Designs, PST Designs, Sarahh Graphics, Viky and Zalinka.
collaboration by Bohemian Art, Dianne Rigdon, HGD by Laurie Ann from ScrapArtist and ad77design, Design by Snoopy, Jk2x, Palvinka Designs, PST Designs, Sarahh Graphics, Viky and Zalinka.
Once upon a time there was a very happy couple. They had not a fairy-tale life, one of their four children being too soon diagnosed with a fatal, progressive disease SMA (spinal muscular atrophy), confining her to a wheelchair at age 2 and to constant care (exercise, lifting, positioning in sleep, even sitting, as she is like a rag-doll, limp but lively and bright). It was hard but they had each other to share their fears nad hopes, the work and care, the constant love they had for each other. And then the Fate struck again - her innocent husband was killed in a traffic accident. She stayed alone to face and fight her Destiny.
Thank you for your help.
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Őszinte leszek, szerintem Ti jobban értitek a fenti angol sorokat mint én. Amit én kivettem, egy anya, egy nő, bajban van, ezért készült a készlet. És az jó dolog, hogy a többi anya, nő, összefog, és segít.
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